Net sales by business area 2023/2024 2022/2023
Quarterly data, SEKm Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 862 897 962 877 810 761
Electrification 1,029 1,024 1,149 1,001 958 929
Energy 1,297 1,428 1,355 1,267 1,256 1,251
Industrial Solutions 835 923 937 802 709 788
Process Technology 863 824 875 713 690 654
Group items -7 -7 -11 -7 -5 -7
Addtech Group 4,879 5,089 5,267 4,653 4,418 4,376
EBITA by business area 2023/2024 2022/2023
Quarterly data, SEKm Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 114 109 126 105 105 91
Electrification 137 130 143 118 126 114
Energy 172 198 176 169 159 156
Industrial Solutions 194 157 190 148 115 132
Process Technology 124 112 125 94 91 87
Group items -14 -10 -2 -4 -14 -10
EBITA 727 696 758 630 582 570
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -109 -101 -98 -94 -93 -88
– of which acquisitions -101 -96 -91 -88 -87 -84
Operating profit 618 595 660 536 489 482
Net sales 3 months 6 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Sep 2023 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2023 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2023 31 Mar 2023
Automation 862 810 1,759 1,571 3,598 3,410
Electrification 1,029 958 2,053 1,887 4,203 4,037
Energy 1,297 1,256 2,725 2,507 5,347 5,129
Industrial Solutions 835 709 1,758 1,497 3,497 3,236
Process Technology 863 690 1,687 1,344 3,275 2,932
Group items -7 -5 -14 -12 -32 -30
Addtech Group 4,879 4,418 9,968 8,794 19,888 18,714
EBITA and EBITA-margin 3 months 6 months Rolling 12 months
30 Sep 2023 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2023 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2023 31 Mar 2023
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 114 13.2 105 12.9 223 12.7 196 12.5 454 12.6 427 12.5
Electrification 137 13.3 126 13.2 267 13.0 240 12.7 528 12.6 501 12.4
Energy 172 13.2 159 12.6 370 13.6 315 12.6 715 13.4 660 12.9
Industrial Solutions 194 23.3 115 16.2 351 20.0 247 16.5 689 19.7 585 18.1
Process Technology 124 14.4 91 13.1 236 14.0 178 13.2 455 13.9 397 13.5
Group items -14 -14 -24 -24 -30 -30
EBITA 727 14.9 582 13.2 1,423 14.3 1,152 13.1 2,811 14.1 2,540 13.6
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -109 -93 -210 -181 -402 -373
– of which acquisitions -101 -87 -197 -171 -376 -350
Operating profit 618 12.7 489 11.1 1,213 12.2 971 11.0 2,409 12.1 2,167 11.6


Net sales by the customers
geographical location
3 months
30 Sep 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 207 262 312 245 175 - 1,201
Denmark 164 66 221 8 137 0 596
Finland 153 112 88 178 87 - 618
Norway 56 82 252 57 119 - 566
Other Europe 254 452 350 215 258 - 1,529
Other countries 27 54 73 131 84 - 369
Group items 1 1 1 1 3 -7 -
Total 862 1,029 1,297 835 863 -7 4,879
Net sales by the customers
geographical location
6 months
30 Sep 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 423 522 656 517 341 - 2,459
Denmark 336 132 464 17 268 0 1,217
Finland 311 223 185 375 170 - 1,264
Norway 114 164 530 119 232 - 1,159
Other Europe 518 902 735 452 506 - 3,113
Other countries 55 107 154 276 164 - 756
Group items 2 3 1 2 6 -14 -
Total 1,759 2,053 2,725 1,758 1,687 -14 9,968
Net sales by the customers
geographical location
3 months
30 Sep 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 184 257 330 250 157 - 1,178
Denmark 159 81 284 8 116 1 649
Finland 141 103 95 124 95 0 558
Norway 48 87 220 29 107 - 491
Other Europe 240 376 257 167 145 - 1,185
Other countries 36 53 70 130 68 - 357
Group items 2 1 0 1 2 -6 -
Total 810 958 1,256 709 690 -5 4,418
Net sales by the customers
geographical location
6 months
30 Sep 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 357 507 658 529 305 - 2,356
Denmark 309 159 566 16 226 1 1,277
Finland 272 203 191 262 184 0 1,112
Norway 94 170 439 62 208 - 973
Other Europe 465 741 513 352 283 - 2,354
Other countries 71 104 139 275 133 - 722
Group items 3 3 1 1 5 -13 -
Total 1,571 1,887 2,507 1,497 1,344 -12 8,794
Net sales per customers segment 3 months
30 Sep 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 40 70 251 24 24 - 409
Data & Telecommunications 40 42 91 0 1 - 174
Electronics 59 259 54 3 4 0 379
Energy 43 154 602 7 147 - 953
Vehicles 57 166 13 295 47 - 578
Medical technology 145 118 7 4 51 - 325
Mechanical industry 225 89 73 84 111 - 582
Forestry & Process 89 15 23 274 288 - 689
Transport 37 19 131 53 140 - 380
Other 126 96 51 90 47 - 410
Group items 1 1 1 1 3 -7 -
Total 862 1,029 1,297 835 863 -7 4,879
Net sales per customers segment 6 months
30 Sep 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 82 139 529 50 47 - 847
Data & Telecommunications 81 83 191 0 2 - 357
Electronics 121 517 113 5 9 0 765
Energy 87 307 1,265 15 286 - 1,960
Vehicles 116 332 28 623 93 - 1,192
Medical technology 296 235 15 9 100 - 655
Mechanical industry 460 177 154 177 217 - 1,185
Forestry & Process 181 31 48 578 562 - 1,400
Transport 75 38 275 109 274 - 771
Other 258 191 106 190 91 - 836
Group items 2 3 1 2 6 -14 -
Total 1,759 2,053 2,725 1,758 1,687 -14 9,968
Net sales per customers segment 3 months
30 Sep 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 24 55 231 18 12 - 340
Data & Telecommunications 37 49 109 0 0 - 195
Electronics 60 186 59 3 7 1 316
Energy 58 141 589 5 88 - 881
Vehicles 49 148 14 258 44 - 513
Medical technology 133 165 14 4 49 - 365
Mechanical industry 235 83 74 72 105 - 569
Forestry & Process 85 11 37 221 220 - 574
Transport 33 17 103 54 115 - 322
Other 94 102 26 73 48 0 343
Group items 2 1 0 1 2 -6 -
Total 810 958 1,256 709 690 -5 4,418
Net sales per customers segment 6 months
30 Sep 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 47 108 462 38 23 - 678
Data & Telecommunications 72 97 216 1 0 - 386
Electronics 117 367 118 6 14 1 623
Energy 112 278 1,177 11 172 - 1,750
Vehicles 95 290 27 544 85 - 1,041
Medical technology 260 324 28 9 95 - 716
Mechanical industry 454 162 148 152 205 - 1,121
Forestry & Process 165 23 73 467 429 - 1,157
Transport 64 34 205 113 224 - 640
Other 182 201 52 155 92 0 682
Group items 3 3 1 1 5 -13 -
Total 1,571 1,887 2,507 1,497 1,344 -12 8,794

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